So when you think of pie don’t you usually think of something round in a pie plate? Yeah I know so do I! Well in this case I did not use a pie plate instead I used a cookie sheet. Before I go into how I made it I will say I was really busy that morning (it was the morning of our Annual Easter Egg hunt at church). I am not sure what I was thinking to bake this for breakfast but I did. I do that sometimes, thinking, “Oh, I got time so hey let’s make a pie!”
This pie called for a tender Cream Cheese Pasty crust. This type of crust was hard for me to work with. I prepped the crust a day before knowing that it needed to harden up. I let it set in the fridge for a day and overnight and the dough was still sticky. While working with the dough, I found out that the heat in the kitchen made the dough stickier and the kitchen was warm from the oven warming it up. I tried to roll out the dough in a nice rectangle but the dough kept sticking to the roller, so I ended up having to pound it out like play doh. I did figure out that you need to work fast with this particular type of crust, I found this out real quick.
Now here is the cool thing, the filling is only two things: 1 cup of peach preserves and ½ a cup of sweetened applesauce. That’s IT just two ingredients. If I could get the crust down I would be able to make this in a snap. After pounding out the dough to a so called rectangle I spread the ingredients over half of the dough and then folded it over, it ended up looking like a calzone.
So the recipe says to heat the oven to 400, but then it says to turn it down to 375, well I was readying this AFTER I put it in the oven. So I had to rush over there and turn it down to 375, so it was saved. Once again, read the entire recipe more than once all the way through. Someday I will be heeding my own advice. READ ALL THE RECIPE BEFORE YOU START!
As you see below it was not one of my best looking “pies” but it tasted pretty good.
Hello Results: Cream cheese crust is a hard curst to make but the taste is well worth it. I ate a lot of it and Joshua enjoyed the rest. I would fix this again if I could get the hang of the crust. Brings a quote to mind.. “If at first you don’t succeeded try, try again.” That really rings true in this case…. 288 pies to go!